Children using colored pencils on desk

What Your Child Can Learn From Art

There is a major focus in many schools on things like math, science and technology, but there is one very beneficial subject that always tends to get overlooked –art. Art often gets put on the backburner because many people don’t believe that there is any real benefit to teaching it to their children. But art is so much more than just a way to pass the time or a fun activity, it teaches kids many things that can benefit them throughout their academic career and their life! The following is a list from our preschool in Fremont, CA of some of the many things that your kids can learn from art:

  • Confidence – As your child refines their skills as an artist, it will help them to gain confidence that can benefit every aspect of their life. The more confidence they have, the more willing they will be to learn new things!
  • Problem-solving – Whether your child is figuring out where to fit flowers into their drawing or how to color within the lines, art teaches kids how to solve problems in a more creative way.
  • Focus – It can be difficult to teach your kids how to focus on the task at hand, but art goes a long way to teaching kids how to focus.
  • Creativity – The creativity that your child learns from doing artwork can teach them how to think about things from different perspectives. This “out of the box” approach is something even adults can benefit from!

Art teaches kids so many different lessons that can benefit them throughout their lives! That is why, here at Palm Academy, we include  Abrakadoodle into our curriculum! Visit our site today to learn more.